

Big or small, have us create your application for you.

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Have an expert look over your shoulder and offer feedback.

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Let our experts solve that one problem that's got you stumped, or just take a load off your plate.

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Get hardware and architecture advice from our HMI / SCADA experts.

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One-on-one DAQFactory training to help you get up to speed fast.

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Have us add that one feature you need to make DAQFactory your perfect tool.

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Application Development

Application Development

DAQFactory is easy to use, but sometimes you just want the project done. AzeoTech can provide complete, custom applications in DAQFactory. And since its in DAQFactory we can create your application rapidly and affordably. Plus you'll have an application that, if you choose to, you can modify and enhance yourself, so you are not stuck calling us every time you want to change an image or make another tweak. Big or small, we do it all, so contact us even if you just need a simple data logger with some trending and just don't have time to do it yourself.

Some of the applications we've done over the years include:

  • A custom center console application for a high end supercar
  • An application to retrieve, log and present water level and flow data from remote sites in an irrigation district
  • An inspection and testing station for oil and gas components, installed in multiple locations with a central database and web access to reporting
  • A custom centralized toxic gas monitoring system for a system integrator with full advanced alarming, notification, logging, and automated reporting
  • A test stand for testing throttles for electric vehicles
  • An HMI with logging, along with PLC level programming of process control for a food drying facility
  • An interface for operating large powdered metal presses
  • An advanced, centralized, database driven interface for plastic pellet blenders, including recipe tracking, operator and data logging. Allowed for the operation of over 100 blenders simultaneously each with 100's of tags
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Application Enhancement

Application Enhancement

You've created an excellent application in DAQFactory, but you want to add a few more features and its just a bit outside your comfort range? Or you just plain ran out of time and need the job done ASAP? Or perhaps your system integrator used DAQFactory to create your system and then they dropped off the face of the planet and you need to make a change. Our development services include even small enhancements to existing applications, allowing you to get your job done quickly and with minimal added cost.

Contact us to learn more. Depending on the project, pricing is done either by the job or on an hourly basis and can be as little as a few hundred dollars.

Please note: we cannot make modifications to password protected documents unless you can prove that you or your company created the document and simply lost the password.

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Application Review

Application Review

Because DAQFactory is so easy to use, most of our customers are not programmers, and DAQFactory is just a tool to get their job done. As such, you may want a little advice on how best to design and setup your application so it will be maintainable and scalable. Our experts can review your document to varying degrees depending on your budget and offer our input on improving your application and making it more robust.

Contact us to learn more. Pricing is typically done on an hourly basis. We'll do a quick review for free to determine where you are at and what might be involved to fully review the application. You can then choose how in depth you would like us to get.

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Project Consulting

Project Consulting

So you know you need to automate your process and want to do it yourself but don't even know where to start? Our experts can help with more than just software. We can offer input on all the tools you need and how to use them to achieve your goals. We are not system integrators, so if you want someone to do everything we recommend using a system integrator (preferably one that uses DAQFactory!), but if you want to do the work in house, you can leverage our experience in HMI, SCADA, process control, test and measurement, and data acquisition systems without the expense of hiring a full time employee.

Contact us to learn more. Most broad feedback we'll provide for free. More hand-holding is usually charged on an hourly basis.

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